Tag Archive | questions

Sleep with the Truth, wake up with a Lie

It’s one of those emotional nights when you really don’t know what to do. Should you sleep? Should you stay awake and keep suffering? You thought a long time ago that truth hurts since it always brings stuff on the surface that you don’t want to hear. This time you felt like being a part of the Truman Show. How can your life be played out like that while having no clue? Is it your fault? Is it the person’s fault who kept lying to you? In the end it doesn’t matter who said the lie but if in the end there are other people around you who are aware of this lie. What if they have lied too about other stuff too? So many questions, so little answers and you are here to take responsibility of your own actions. You may feel a victim but keep in mind that many times we attract the energies we desire in our lives. If you feel a failure for example and that the friends you have are the only ones who can tolerate you, then you know what happens after this. They are aware of that and the next thing you know is that you are being used by them. This happens cos they know that you need them in your life.

Now think about it a bit. In fact no, first let all the emotions out. Cry, write down how you feel and reevaluate everything. Who deserves to be in your life and who not. Now think when the lies started. If you say that you didn’t have the slightest clue about the situation, this is a lie itself. How many times you felt that something is wrong? How many times you thought that you are crazy or paranoid? How many times you ignored the little voice inside you warning you about these lies? You just didn’t want to be alone and push everyone away. Now you are in a situation that you have to alone for some time. How the one is different from the other then? It’s self respect, you would be alone but by your own choice not pushed by the situation itself. Take your time, work on yourself but don’t lose faith on people. You may met a couple of them who hurt you but there are others out there who are sincere and honest. It takes time but you will be grateful later on!

Do you accomplish the goals for you or for others?

Do you remember when you got awarded at school and you were so glad that your “enemies” were jealous? Or when you got promoted and you called your mom to announce it to her cos she never believed that you would make it there on the first place? The fact that you don’t want to break up cos your friends will consider you a fail since he’s successful and handsome? The biggest question here is, the things you do in life, is it for boosting your ego for you as a person or for showing off to others? This kind of behavior usually shows up when your ego is hurt, when people don’t consider you good enough to accomplish stuff in life. Yet you are there to fight and do your best. You have nothing to prove to no one except yourself. The high standards should be yours not made by other people. Don’t let others to pull you into their game and test you if you can make it. The main reason of your stress has to do with all these.

You want to get out of this situation though but you wonder how. It’s time to work on your solar plexus and your sacral chakra. It’s time to work on your ego and your emotions, on how these two are entangled. Go back to your childhood and see what happened there. Did this has to do with your parents, school or friends? What exactly happened? Keep in mind that there are usually words that trigger this reaction. For example if your friends used to call you “worm”, every time you hear this word, you feel uneasy cos it brings up the specific memory. There are though moments that you consciously blocked out, you never wanted to remember that this happened. So instead you replaced them with new ones. To get through your emotional blockage, it needs you to revise your childhood again and again. Yellow clothes and accessories will help you with the solar plexus energies and your healing process!

A Smile and a Kiss

It’s morning and you rush for your work, you get in the train and the only thing you see it’s troubled faces, skeptical people and the stressful energies make the air hard to breathe in there. You lower your eyes, shielding yourself with positive energy as you focus on yourself and only. A baby girl starts giggling when her mom tickles them but you see a bunch people raising their heads checking the girl. You can clearly tell that they are so annoyed and an old guy tells the girl to shush. Later on you arrive at work, stressed people there too, you start wondering why no one is smiling. Do people not smile anymore? Is everyone so unhappy? More and more questions pop up, you just shrug and you go back at work.

People forget that happiness won’t just wait for them on the corner. They need though some push to remember that life isn’t only about sadness and suffering. Set the example starting from that train, next time you get in smile to the person who will give you the dirty look cos your energies are positive. Pass the newspaper that you just read to the next person, give them a tissue when they sneeze, just something small that they will make them smile. Blow a kiss to the cute guy who kept staring at you before you leave the train, you will definitely make his day. It doesn’t take much to make someone smile but it takes a bit more to work on happiness!

Black and white – Pop the Balance bubble

One of the common tips for interview is the black and white outfit, since it makes you look professional. Professional in other words means balanced, your employer will get these vibes from you and if your questions are the expected ones, you have a place in their company. So how this balance works with the colors? The black absorbs the energies of the environment and people while white is reflecting everything. If you want an easy example on how the color black works, you can find it here and for white use the opposite example. Chic and classy is being defined again by the combination of these two colors, so simple and so effective at the same time. What happens though when you want to enhance creative energies coming out of this balance? By adding color to this combination through make up or accessories.

Depending on the color, the energies from your chakras are popping out giving a specific impression. Here you can find all the positive traits of the chakras and how the colors work. For example if you wear black and white outfit for an interview, avoid to wear orange, you will give them the impression that you are emotional, so this will get interpreted that in the future you may turn to be a drama queen. If you add red though, make sure that it’s not too much – avoid red lipstick cos it shows aggressiveness through your speech – and wear a red ring which will show them that you are grounded, you know what you want and that they can count on you. Again though, it depends the nature of the job, if you are going to work on a store as a sale assistant, make sure that on the first interview, you wear yellow. It shows your willingness to work and being energetic the whole day. One last but not least to keep in mind is to know your strength and weaknesses and empower them with the specific color!

Free your Mind, free your Soul

You wake up in the morning, getting your breakfast and at the same time checking your blog. It gives you the power to express yourself  in a way you never thought before. The way you can think many times out of the box, the way you can voice your opinion, it makes you feel that you take the world in your hands. Have you ever thought how free your mind is? Have you pushed the limits of yourself yet? It won’t happen from one day to the other but you may feel to some point that there are borders. It’s when you start questioning what happens if you take down the walls of your mind. You are wondering what if there something you don’t want to touch beyond that. So many questions and one big decision. It’s a big challenge and you need to overcome your fears to go past it.

Play some beautiful meditation music, close your eyes and see yourself surrounded by these huge walls. You are in your mind and it’s your reality for now. Inhale deep, hold your breath for 1 min and exhale. Now see a big door on the wall. Open it and whatever you see in front of you, just accept it. Close the door, open your eyes and write down what you saw. Do it daily by keeping a journal on what is happening on the other side of the wall. You will start feeling the difference of your mindset everyday. A small taste of a new world out there. It will be the time when you are ready to break down these walls. It’s when you realize that you stop being normal but get out of the loop of this reality. It feels tempting, right?