Tag Archive | peace

I believe there is a another world waiting for us – Cloud Atlas

“I believe there is a another world waiting for us, Sixsmith. A better world. And I’ll be waiting for you there” Robert Frobisher from Cloud Atlas. The world you see and the worlds you don’t. The fact that you can’t see them with your physical eyes, it doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. Each one of us holds a piece of truth, like a small window of the knowledge. Can you imagine what it would happen if one person held all the knowledge? There would be no communication between people since there would be nothing to be discussed. No knowledge would be shared and there would be no interest for life and no need for any experience.

Do you understand now why we are all connected? We are all small pieces of a big puzzle. Hold the hand of the person next to you and you are instantly connected. Maybe you can’t see the reason but you know that something is there. You “remember” this person, the attitude, the like or dislike towards their face. In that other world you were friends or the biggest enemies. When you came here on earth, you find this person again.

“We cross and re-cross our old paths like figure-skaters.”  Life lessons are not being learned in one lifetime, you have to come back and work on them again. When you have a “project” or “mission” to finish, you need to be present again and continue from where you had it left the previous time. No one forced you to be here. Neither a higher being or another external force. You came here by your own will. It would be easy to blame someone else for your own choices. Don’t expect a peaceful world when your soul mission is done.  A better world yes, a perfect world no. 

Work on that small piece of the puzzle you hold. Study it, understand it, figure everything out. You are not alone. You were never alone. Have faith on yourself and remember that knowledge is all you have. You can access it anytime you want. Or you can just quit. The power is in your hands. Are you ready to use it wisely?

Stop Waiting and Start Changing

Have you ever had this dream when you sit on the edge of the mountain and everything changes except you? As the clouds move faster, the sun is on a rush as the moon takes its place and the seasons are speeding up as if summer will last one minute and next thing you know the autumn is here. You are just an observer, you can do nothing else than going along with the flow. Or at least this is what you think. Now add on the scenery humans. Fragile peace, upcoming wars, starvation, thirst, pain, natural disasters are the things you see on that fast forward mode. You close your eyes. You don’t want to see more. You don’t want to feel more.

“There is nothing I can do”, you think and an echo of children’s voices “You can help yourself”. You shake your head in disbelief. “Do I want it?”, you ask yourself. “Are you scared?”, the children ask. “I don’t know you, stop talking!”, you exclaim. “We don’t know you either but we care. Do you care?”, they say as their voices fade in the wind. You start crying so much. It  makes your whole body hurting but you don’t stop. You feel a nudge on your shoulder. ” Wake up”, you hear that female voice saying to you.

You feel so confused in your dream but one minute later you open your eyes. It’s your mom trying to wake you up. “Mom, I’m awake”, you tell her and she looks at you surprised. “What happened to you?”, she asks with a caring voice. “Mom, I want to change the world”, you say with tears in your eyes. “Then start by helping me to bring some food to that family across.”, she smiles at you widely. Now you know what she means. Don’t wait for the right moment. Be the one who will make the moment the right one. Start changing the world by being the Change. You are the Change!

Strip off the fake Confidence

Girls love their make-up , boys love their cars and guess what happens if you take them away. If you are still wondering, ask your best friend to meet you in the cafeteria without her make-up on and your boyfriend to use public transportation to come over there too. Pretty much you expect two upcoming situations. On the first one, they find a terrible excuse not to show up. On the second one, they do show up but their confidence is under zero. It’s not bad to own a car or having beautiful clothes. The bad thing is to depend on them so as to boost your self esteem. Take away the expensive houses from the celebrities and their status is harmed. This goes along with their confidence. When we live in a society that nurtures us with these ethics and when we are stuck in a system in where you have to be successful so as to be “important”, “special”, “unique”, it’s when you know that you have to fight back. Anything materialistic shouldn’t be above anything spiritual or personal growth. Though if you don’t do it, you feel you will get kicked out of the system.

This pretty much means that your friends will push you away, your parents will consider you a failure and you will feel the need to leave your town or even country. It has happened to everyone but how do you act? Lower your head and stare at the ground? Shrug and move along? Sigh deeply and have the worst thoughts about yourself? This means that you surrender, you let the system win. The system that you hate so much, that even lead you to take antidepressants cos you are not good enough. Draw a big line and don’t let anyone cross it. It’s your personal boundaries, it’s the space that you need to be yourself. You need to apologize to no one for who you are. Meditate, join a yoga class or martial arts, write daily affirmations, all these will lead to your confidence boost. This is what you want. This is what you need; Inner peace and trust yourself!

Animals, our friends and guides

You either have a pet already or you do want to get one soon, make sure that you have enough time to spend with your new friend. People usually buy pets when they feel alone or they just got out of a heartbreaking relationship but this shouldn’t be the only reason doing it. If your love for animals is not strong enough, don’t try to get one to use it as human substance. The next thing you know when you have the pet in your house, it starts acting all the way weird. One day you wake up and the dog starts biting you, the cat meows uncontrollably, the bird stops singing and you start getting worried. Don’t make the mistake that many people do, don’t blame the animal, it’s like having a baby and put the blame on them for destroying the house.

As it happens with humans, animals are even more receptive into energy frequencies. This leads to the fact that when you are moody, your animal friend will feel this negativity and will start acting the same. Did you know that animals have chakras like humans? So if you are scared, the fear is being transferred to the animal and this is why people usually say that animals after some time start acting like their owners. The behavior you see on your pet is your daily behavior, the animal is like a mirror but more intense. Keep in mind to spend some time with your pet outside the nature, play some meditation music, try to keep a calm environment like you would do with your kid. Share the love with your best friend!