Do you accomplish the goals for you or for others?

Do you remember when you got awarded at school and you were so glad that your “enemies” were jealous? Or when you got promoted and you called your mom to announce it to her cos she never believed that you would make it there on the first place? The fact that you don’t want to break up cos your friends will consider you a fail since he’s successful and handsome? The biggest question here is, the things you do in life, is it for boosting your ego for you as a person or for showing off to others? This kind of behavior usually shows up when your ego is hurt, when people don’t consider you good enough to accomplish stuff in life. Yet you are there to fight and do your best. You have nothing to prove to no one except yourself. The high standards should be yours not made by other people. Don’t let others to pull you into their game and test you if you can make it. The main reason of your stress has to do with all these.

You want to get out of this situation though but you wonder how. It’s time to work on your solar plexus and your sacral chakra. It’s time to work on your ego and your emotions, on how these two are entangled. Go back to your childhood and see what happened there. Did this has to do with your parents, school or friends? What exactly happened? Keep in mind that there are usually words that trigger this reaction. For example if your friends used to call you “worm”, every time you hear this word, you feel uneasy cos it brings up the specific memory. There are though moments that you consciously blocked out, you never wanted to remember that this happened. So instead you replaced them with new ones. To get through your emotional blockage, it needs you to revise your childhood again and again. Yellow clothes and accessories will help you with the solar plexus energies and your healing process!

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